Freedom Fighter

Look Evil In The Eye And Stand Against it

American Self Destruction

I am finally getting back to the blog after a major transition. I have relocated, hosted visitors from abroad and embarked on an adventure with my 16-year-old son. We recently returned from a trip through the National Parks of some of the western states of this great nation. We visited Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado; The Grand Tetons and Yellowstone in Wyoming; and Mt Rushmore and Wind Cave National Parks in the Black Hills of South Dakota. It was an awesome and spectacular adventure and a wonderful opportunity to spend some time with my son. These great national parks are a testament to the wisdom of previous administrations to set aside large tracts of this magnificent land for all to see and enjoy in its pristine beauty.

During the driving time, we were conversing on many subjects, as we always do. We covered topics ranging from science and space to politics, religion, education, morality and much more. As we touched on education, he happened to mention that he was required to read a particular book for his upcoming AP US History class as a junior at a well-known Orange County, California high school. I asked him the name of the book to which he responded that it was something about “Myths of the Revolution”. He then told me that it debunks the legends of Nathan Hale and Paul Revere, among others. Well, I found the book, picked up a copy at the library and read it so that I could discuss it with him and arm him against his continued re-education and indoctrination at the hands of the public school system in California. Just more proof that this country is being remade. The book talks about deconstructing our history and reconstructing a new history that is more fair and less heroic. Bill Mahr said the other night in an interview that Americans are dumb for considering Sarah Palin as a viable candidate. He is right, but his analysis is off. So many  have been dumbed down and now vote emotionally rather than through critical anaylsis of cause and effect. They just want to “feel good” no matter what happens to the country at large.

I am saddened that my children, and their children, are in such imminent danger of losing the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of a free country that I grew up with. I watched as Bill Clinton attempted to socialize the country in the 90’s. He failed, but he did move us incrementally closer to socialism. However, Clinton appears downright conservative compared to President Obama. This man, by his own admission, is attempting to “remake America”. His Hope & Change express threatens to steamroll over the Constitution and many of the protected freedoms that were spelled out definitively in that document or alluded to in the Declaration of Independence.

The United States of America was once the greatest, most free, most noble country on the planet. America achieved her greatness through the extension and expansion of individual freedom to all willing to live voluntarily under the laws of the country. This grand experiment was one based on the principle that people can self-govern through personal responsibility, personal discipline and self reliance. The constitution was created to establish and secure these freedoms for all citizens and their posterity. America is now under a covert assault on all that made her great. Everything that the founders envisioned for our country, everything good in America is being sacrificed on the altar of “Social Justice” – a Marxist concept where a small cabal of “the elite” decides for the rest of the population exactly what is socially just. If it continues unchecked, this cabal will ultimately become an Oligarchy, the exact opposite of the form of democracy, called a Representative Republic, for which the founders pledged, and sacrificed, their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.

75 years ago, the New Deal attempted to “remake America” and it did do substantial damage by introducing the idea that government knows best and will take care of everyone and everything if the people will just give up their freedom to pursue their own happiness in favor of “leveling the paying field for all”. The mistakes of history will revisit us continually and eventually succeed unless the stalwart remain constantly vigilant.

Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it!

Cartoon from 1934 Chicago Tribune - Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it!

July 29, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment