Freedom Fighter

Look Evil In The Eye And Stand Against it


Good day to all viewers of this blog.

The fight evil blog has been created because Western Civilization is under attack from inside and outside the culture.

From inside we are being undermined and subverted by those baby boomers who have indoctrinated our children for 40 years. Their parents turned over to us, a more peaceful world, which we (my generation) has set about destroying since we reached adulthood. It no longer matters what the causes were, the only thing that matters is recognizing the problem and facing the fact that evil is on the move in a big way, and gaining ground. One only needs to look at Europe and the UK for the secularization of the West which opens the door for the attack from outside. The biggest threat is the diversity and multiculturalism movement that has been pushed by Marx and Lenin’s “useful idiots” on the left for the last 50 years.

By finally grabbing complete control of the Democratic Party in the U.S., who now, due to the results of the recent election, control the direction of the country, these foolish do-gooders are simply accelerating the demise of the West. The THINKING European and Brit, I am sure, have felt that America was the last bastion of defense against this secularization. Now they see us finally throwing in the towel.

Western Civilization is being attacked from the outside by the rapid expansion of unhealthy, parasitic cultures. One of these evil cultures brings with it, the oppression of women and the forced subjugation of more civilized cultures that do not comply with its totalitarian edicts. This invasive culture gains entry into the host culture by exploiting what the aforementioned narcicists have created. That is, the destruction in the population of the host culture’s faith and belief in its culture. If one does not think one’s culture is superior to others, he will have nothing in him that is invested in preserving that culture. This makes it much easier for other more destructive cultures, that do think theirs is superior, to replace the host culture.

Again, one need only look at Europe and the UK for recent examples of the path we are on, and how successful that effort is. But the most recent example of the complete takeover of a free, predominantly christian culture by an inferior culture is Lebanon. This once beautiful garden and vacation spot was a gem on the Eastern Mediterranean riviera. Its Capital, Beiruit, was often referred to as the ‘Paris of the Middle East’ and was a thriving, civilized city in a beautiful and self-sustaining country. It is now a virtual wasteland, destroyed by an invading destructive cuture that terrorized the population and drove out civilization.

Those of you who know me, know that I have studied this issue since 9/11 and dug deep into the history of other cultures to understand what happened. I will be writing here often and in future entries will be recommending websites, other blogs, ‘youtube’ videos and books to enlighten you, should you so desire to be enlightened. Unfortunately, there are not enough people yet, who are aware of the threat and this blog is an effort to remedy that. In order to fight evil one must first be aware that it exists. Then be able to recognize it when you witness it. And finally, have the courage to call it what it is and stand against it.

May God Bless and keep you all.