Freedom Fighter

Look Evil In The Eye And Stand Against it

New For November

Well, November certainly was an eventful month for me. Unfortunately, one of the events kept me away from the blog for far too long, but it also provides me with a legitimate excuse.

On November 1st I was honored to be invited to hear the courageous Wafa Sultan speak. She is the author of a book called “A God Who Hates” and is a must read for anyone interested in the truth about Islam. During her talk she mentioned some fascinating realities about the Islamic world that only someone who has lived it and escaped it can truly convey with credibility.

In the fundamental theme of her book, Wafa portrays Islam’s Allah as a fierce ogre in an Arabian parable, raging from a mountaintop: From where he sits, he raves and shrieks, filling people’s hearts with fear by threatening to gobble them up if they leave their homes or do any kind of work at all. The people terrorized by his shrieks, can live only by stealth. Only their survival instinct keeps them going. They steal out like mice in secret to gather enough to keep body and soul together. They live day by day, waiting impatiently for the moment of their death. The fear of this ogre has sapped their intellect and depleted their physical powers, reducing them to despair and hopelessness.

Muhammad, Allah’s Apostle, she notes without apology, “…was a warrior rather than a thinker. He left no moral legacy for his followers to build upon or use as a basis for the societies they founded. Nor did he leave them room outside the boundaries of this law in which they might have exercised their freedoms and perhaps, responding to the demands of time, have invented a moral code of their own.” The most important traditions written and handed down about Muhammad concern his raids and what happened in the course of them. All his teachings stem from the realities of the world he lived in and are the indisputable product of it. If you read the biography of the Prophet from beginning to end you will find no trace of any kind of moral authority.

And in response to the query, “Why do they hate us?”—and forever questioned by foolish and naïve Americans following the 9/11/01 attacks—Wafa Sultan provides these answers: “Because Muslims hate their women, and any group who hates their women can’t love anyone else.”

People [then] ask, “But why do Muslims hate their women?” And I reply, “Because their god does.”

I encourage everyone to read her book and to educate yourselves on the truth about Islam before it is too late.

Then, the following weekend it was my privilege to attend a two-day event hosted by the Conservative Republicans of Collin County in McKinney, Texas. Although I was starting to get sick, I flew down anyway because I wanted to meet and hear the fabulous, and very vivacious, Pamela Geller of the website and blog  Pamela did not disappoint. She is a voice in the wilderness trying to wake Americans up to the threat of radical Islam (which is the true Islam, by the way). We simply must get our heads out of the sand and recognize this totalitarian ideology for what it is. The world is filled with moderate Muslims who wish no harm to anyone and want to be left alone to pursue their own lives. But if just 1% of the world’s Muslim population is radicalized (to use the vernacular), that would equal about 12 to 13 million people who are out to kill any non-believer. I think it is closer to 5% or even 10%, which would be 60 to 120 million of the enemy. Whether it is the former or closer to the latter – it is a formidable force arrayed against us. 

The meeting with Pamela Geller occurred a few days after the Fort Hood jihadist attack. Our inept leaders and lame-stream media still cannot bring themselves to call it what it certainly was. And the final story of the murder of the four police officers in Washington State is not in yet either. I will not be surprised to find out that this man was introduced to Islam while in prison.

Upon my return from Texas, I went to the doctor on Monday and by Thursday I was admitted the hospital with a severe case of pneumonia. I was in for almost two weeks, during which time my mother passed away. Fortunately she was brought to the same hospital so I was able to visit her a few times before she died. She never regained consciousness but still it was nice to visit with her for a while. So that is why I have not been submitting blog entries.

Nevertheless, the fight continues. Please look into the truth about Islam. I can recommend the first book I read on the topic. It is called “The Life and Religion of Mohammed” written in the early 20th century by a catholic priest named Fr. J.L. Menezes and directed to the Muslims of India. I highly recommend it as a beginning. Then move on to “The Sword of the Prophet” by Serge Trifkovic – excellent. Then the world  of sourceswill open up to you but among your readings should be Wafa’s book, as well as “Now They Call Me Infidel” by Nonie Darwish, and anything by Robert Spencer. Also visit Spencer’s website That’s it for now.

Keep well, stay safe and educate yourselves.

December 2, 2009 - Posted by | Current Political Events, Western Civilization

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