Freedom Fighter

Look Evil In The Eye And Stand Against it



Frontpage Interview’s guest today is None Darwish, the co-founder of and the author of Cruel and Usual Punishment.

FP: Nonie Darwish, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

I would like to talk to you today a bit about the Muslim voices for change that are increasing through the Islamic world. There is an unprecedented defiance taking place behind the Islamic Curtain.

FP: Can you tell us what is transpiring?

Darwish: As you know, Jamie, I lived for 30 years in the cocoon of the Muslim world and I can see a huge change going on inside the Muslim world. More and more people are challenging the status quo.

After 9/11 and with constant recurring explosive Islamic terrorism, it has become harder for the Muslim establishment to keep the lid on Muslims questioning their system, religion and holy wars. Criticism of Islam is coming at them from every direction, putting Muslim clerics in a quagmire unable to honestly answer questions. Muslim scholars were never trained to answer questions critical of Islam or engage in hostile debate. But now, suddenly, they are challenged to the core like never before, not by Western critics, but by brave hosts of Arabic language shows from unidentified locations in the West and hosted by former Muslims and/or Egyptian Christian Copts.

For the whole article, click here.

Examples of Shariah Law include the following: (from the authoritative source Reliance of the Traveller, The Sacred Manual of Islamic Law

  • Requirement of women  to obtain permission from husbands for daily freedoms;
  • Beating of disobedient woman and girls;
  • Execution of homosexuals;
  • Engagement of polygamy and forced child marriages;
  • Requirement of the testimony of four male witnesses to prove rape;
  • Stoning of adulteresses;
  • Lashing of adulterers; 
  • Amputation of body for criminal offenses;
  • Female genital mutilation;
  • Capital punishment for those who slander or insult Islam;
  • Execution of apostates, or those that leave the religion of Islam
  • Inferior status for all non-Muslims, known as Dhimmitude.
  • Concept of Taquiyya: A Muslim may lie or deceive others to advance the cause of Islam.

From the website

The world ignores the persecution of Christians in the Muslim world

 WSJONline: In Egypt, seven Coptic Christians were murdered yesterday by a Muslim gunman as they filed out of a midnight mass in the southern town of Nag Hamadi. In Pakistan, more than 100 Christian homes were ransacked by a Muslim mob last July in the village of Bahmaniwala. In Iraq that same month, seven Christian churches were bombed in Baghdad and Mosul in the space of three days.

Such atrocities—and there are scores of other examples—are grim reminders that when it comes to persecution, few groups have suffered as grievously as Christians in Muslim lands. Fewer still have suffered with such little attention paid. Now a new report from the non-profit ministry, Open Doors USA, shines a light on the scale of oppression.

To read the whole article click here. 

February 6, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Understanding the Democrats’ Scheme

By John F. Gaski

 Poor Bill and Brit, and many others, indeed. It is time to think the unthinkable and speak the ineffable. Apart from the troubling question of intent, or whether Obama-Pelosi-Reid just have a novel view of the public interest, the national Democrats are unnaturally and mysteriously sanguine despite growing backlash by the American people. Why? One reason:  The Dems don’t believe they will ever have to face a real election again. Is their plan not becoming obvious? It is very straightforward: 
(1) Grant amnesty to the illegal aliens (the correct term for lawbreaking invaders, regardless of their natural and rational motives) which will create up to 30 million reliably Democrat voters — especially after being registered at least once each by ACORN. That is cushion enough to carry any national election. Why else could Dems be so fixated on this agenda item? 
(2)  Speaking of which, between ACORN and the SEIU, the Democrats will be stealing all the elections they really need anyway, starting next November. (The New Jersey and Virginia governorships aren’t quite as big a prize as control of the U.S. Congress, are they? And one wonders what the real margin of Republican victory in New Jersey was, absent ACORN’s intervention.) 
Many laymen still don’t understand how the ACORN scam works. To them, ACORN’s excuse that they are merely committing voter registration fraud, not vote fraud, seems plausible. Here’s the deal: Register 100,000 phony voters such as Mickey Mouse and the Seven Dwarves, thus expanding the nominal voter rolls, and the Democrat vote counters then have the latitude to create 100,000 extra votes out of thin air on election night. This is what “community organizer” really means, and Barack Obama is forever stained by his ACORN background. Not that it matters to him. 
America should brace for the biggest vote fraud and election theft caper of all time on election night 2010 — and in the months following. We now know as well that the Dems are guaranteed to win any statewide recount where there is a Democrat Secretary of State. And who, we must ask, is there to enforce the election laws now? 
What of Florida 2000? It is easy to correct the prevailing misconception. One can usually tell what offenses against the commonweal the liberal Democrats are committing by what accusations they make against others (into which they project their own tendencies). In November 2000, Democrats did everything they could to try to steal a national election for the second time in forty years, right before a nation’s very eyes, with local partisan functionaries inventing Gore votes out of those dimpled chads. Still, the Democrats have claimed since Y2000 that George W. Bush stole that year’s election, even though every Florida recount, including those sponsored by the media, demonstrated that Bush 43 really won under the law. Republicans have been so ineffective in publicizing these true results in answer to the Democrat mantra that the propaganda has largely taken hold in the public consciousness. 
(3) As if they need it, the Dems will be secretly encouraging (maybe even hiring) third-party candidates wherever they need them, because they know that is the way to split the opposition vote. It almost always happens that way to the Democrats’ benefit. If people such as Lou Dobbs and Glenn Beck don’t realize this soon, instead of talking up the third-party route, they will only help to ensure a permanent Democrat stranglehold on Congress and the presidency — although any one of this litany of methods would probably be sufficient for that. So the Dems are actually conservative in the sense of wanting some built-in redundancy! 
(4) What do we suppose the extra trillion dollars of “stimulus” money to be spent from 2010 to 2012 is really for? Just a coincidence, or a ready-made election slush fund? How much has already been committed to ACORN and SEIU? 
(5) Then there is the “universal voter registration” plan that the Wall Street Journal’s John Fund has spotlighted, granting automatic voting privilege to anyone who has ever registered for practically anything, anywhere, anytime. The Democrats and their henchmen could work with that, couldn’t they? Or why are they so eager to enact it? Their entire history has been to oppose laws that prevent vote fraud, after all. (What could be their motive for that particular laxity?) 
These five strategies should be enough to ensure permanent Democrat control of our federal government — a virtual dictatorship. For them, it is a royal flush. But another part of the scheme may be the most pernicious of all. The worst is yet to come. 
(6) When you become dependent on the decision of a Democrat bureaucrat for crucial medical treatment — after the health care takeover — how much power does that give the Democrats over you? Elderly voters tend to vote more conservative than younger voters, so letting the elderly dies because care is “too expensive” can reshape the political profile of the electorate. But can we reasonably foresee that party registration or political contributions might enter the bureaucrat’s calculus? Might it occur to the intense partisans of the Obama administration to grant lifesaving treatment to those they regard as “their people,” but not to others? What a neat way to eliminate the opposition! Party registration is already public information. And if they can overturn the secret ballot for union elections via “card check,” how long before they try to impose the same more generally, so they will always know how you have voted? Do not trust the judiciary to save us, either, after President Obama packs the courts with more ultra-leftists. 
Chilling, isn’t it? But not extreme: Obama himself has notoriously displayed his disregard for human life by the stated willingness to sacrifice “grandma” to a pain pill and his coarse support for unrestricted abortion — even opposition to the Infant Born Alive Act, which he has tried to subvert. 
When the Democrats achieve literal death-grip power over the lives of all our citizens, that’s when they also achieve their long-cherished dream of absolute power in a virtual one-party state. Now is it becoming transparent (so to speak) what the real scheme behind their mania for “health-care reform” is? Now does it all make sense? This is not your father’s Democrat party. 
This issue is not about health care, ultimately. It is about raw political power and the long-promised radical takeover of the United States. For anyone who hasn’t thought of all this before, I guarantee that Obama and his party’s other leaders have. 
Dictatorship in a one-party state indeed seems to loom for us. As one prominent commentator has pointed out, the normal order of the human condition is tyranny, subjugation, and dictatorship, with only a couple of respite periods throughout history, including our time in the West over the past two centuries or so. It just took that long for the totalitarian types to gain near-total power in our country, which they are now consolidating over the coming year. What are the betting odds that they will ever let it go voluntarily? 
No wonder the national Democrats aren’t concerned about having to face the electorate again.  Pity the naïve, hapless Republicans who actually imagine they have a fair chance later this year and in ’12!  
The long-time president of my university, Fr. Theodore Hesburgh, used to say, “At our school, we ask all the questions, even the tough ones.” How’d I do, Father? 
The most troubling aspect of my analysis is that it represents the logical extension of irrefutable, objective facts. At least five of the six premises are no more and no less than observable Democrat behavior, and the other is a mild extrapolation at most. This is not good. 
It’s over, America. We are now living under a proto-dictatorship in the United States. In less than a year, the full reification of it will be apparent to all. Have a nice day. R.I.P., U.S.A. 

 John F. Gaski, Ph.D. is Associate Professor, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame, and is author of the recently-published Frugal Cool:  How to Get Rich-Without Making Very Much Money (Corby Books). He is also a specialist in social and political power and a long-time registered Democrat. 

January 9, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

A Classic Example of Irony in the Distribution of Classic Movies

I want to talk a bit about the irony of classic movies with terrific values and lessons for all of us, coming from a company owned by an icon of the antithesis of those very values.  I am speaking of Ted Turner’s company, Turner Classic Movies and the wonderful old movies filled with lesson of respect, kindness, love of America, standing firm in the face of evil, and many other traditional American values.

A few nights ago I watched a Mickey Rooney movie called “Love Finds Andy Hardy”, one of eleven Andy Hardy movies. The setting was in 1938 America. While Rooney’s acting was somewhat silly, certainly by today’s standards, the characters of Judge Hardy, Andy’s father and the ‘girl next door’ played by Judy Garland, were extremely well performed. Rooney and Garland were truly special talents for being so young. This movie was an excellent example of family values teaching respect and love.

And then there was “Three Godfathers” with John Wayne, Ward Bond (a great character actor) and Harey Carey Jr. This was also chock full of wonderful lessons about traditional American values such as honor, loyalty and preseverence.

But by far, the best movie I recently watched was “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance” with Lee Marvin, Jimmy Stewart and John Wayne. What an excellent portrayal of loyalty, courage, character and a love for the American way of life given to us by God and the founding fathers. There is a school house scene in which Jimmy Stewart outlines for his students the American form of government. He specifically says that the people are in charge. This is a great lesson for our pariotic citizenry of today to remember, that we are indeed in charge.  The Teaparty movement and Act for America are two organizations that are fighting for our founding principles, from the grassroots. This whole tale is about standing firm, with courage and fortitude, in the face of thuggery and evil by the powerful. Lessons we need to incorporate for use today, because we are now in the midst of the most serious threat to liberty that this country  has faced since the founding.

I find it truly ironic that a company bearing the name of a man who has done so much to destroy this country and those very values, should deliver such excellent old movies filled with love of country – just the opposite of what he believes. But Ted Turner is such a man. After making his billions in the very capitalist system he despises, his white, liberal guilt causes him to set about destroying that system. In my opinion, he does so to assuage that guilt by advocating the legal theft of wealth from the hard-working middle class, and redistributing it to many who refuse to earn it themselves.

By the way, another source of the wonderful old classics is the  blog of the fabulous and vivacious freedom fighter, Pamela Geller. Though she fervently fights the good fight against the unholy alliance of radical liberalism and Islamofascism, she shows that she does have other interests, such as jazz and classic movies. Almost every Sunday she includes a link to one of these fabulous old productions. Last week she sent a wonderful old film called “She Done Him Wrong” with Mae West and Cary Grant. Miss. West was up to her best and bawdiest one-liners and Mr. Grant was just a young whippersnapper. The movie was truly a treasure. In the recent past she has linked us to “Horse Feathers”, the Marx Brothers classic and also to “The 39 Steps”, an Alfred Hitchcock thriller. Keep ‘em coming Pamela, and thanks.

December 12, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment


As the courageous Dutch MP, Geert Wilders says, Israel is the canary in the coalmine regarding Islam. They are fighting not only for their own right to exist and be free, but also for all the rest of Western Civilization. The morons in the so-called mainstream media misrepresent the Israeli position every chance they get and always present the Palestinians in a favorable light.

I admit that at 23 years old I was not as into politics as I am now. Much to my shame, I voted for Carter instead of Nixon (what a young fool I was) but I did not know that later, Nixon was responsible for a very heroic act. Read below from an article I recently received from a colleague.

Thirty-Six Years Ago Today, Richard Nixon Saved Israel – but Got No Credit. Jason Maoz

Precise details of what transpired in Washington during the first week of the Yom Kippur War, launched by Egypt and Syria on October 6, 1973, are hard to come by, in no small measure owing to conflicting accounts given by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger regarding their respective roles. What is clear, from the preponderance of information provided by those directly involved in the unfolding events, is that President Richard Nixon — overriding inter-administration objections and bureaucratic inertia – implemented a breathtaking transfer of arms, code-named operation Nickel Grass, that over a four-week period, involved hundreds of jumbo U.S. military aircraft delivering more than 22,000 tons of armaments. This was accomplished, noted Walter J. Boyne in an article in the December 1998 issue of Air Force Magazine, while “Washington was in the throes of not only post-Vietnam moralizing on Capitol Hill, but also the agony of Watergate.  Four days into the war, Washington was blindsided again by another political disaster – the forced resignation of Vice President Spiro Agnew.” “Both Kissinger and Nixon wanted to do [the airlift],” said former CIA deputy director Vernon Walters, “but Nixon gave it the greater sense of urgency.  He said, ‘You get the stuff to Israel.  Now. Now.’”

Boyne, in his book, The Two O’Clock War, described a high-level White House meeting on October 9: As preoccupied as he was with Watergate, Nixon came straight to the point, announcing that Israel must not lose the war.  He ordered that the deliveries of supplies, including aircraft, be sped up and that Israel be told that it could freely expend all of its consumables — ammunition, spare parts, fuel, and so forth — in the certain knowledge that these would be completely replenished by the United States without any delay.

White House Chief of Staff Alexander Haig concurred: As soon as the scope and pattern of Israeli battle losses emerged, Nixon ordered that all destroyed equipment be made up out of U.S. stockpiles, using the very best weapons America possessed.  Whatever it takes, he told Kissinger…save Israel. “It was Nixon who did it,” recalled Nixon’s acting special counsel, Leonard Garment. “I was there. As bureaucratic bickering between the State and Defense departments was going back and forth, Nixon said, this is insane. He just ordered Kissinger,

 “Get your ass out of here and tell those people to move.”

When Schlesinger initially wanted to send just three transports to Israel because he feared anything more would alarm the Arabs and the Soviets, Nixon snapped: “We are going to get blamed just as much for three as for 300.  Get them in the air, now.”

Haig, in his memoir Inner Circles, wrote that Nixon, frustrated with the initial delays in implementing the airlift and aware that the Soviets had begun airlifting supplies to Egypt and Syria, summoned Kissinger and Schlesinger to the Oval Office on October 12 and “banished all excuses.”

The president asked Kissinger for a precise accounting of Israel’s military needs, and Kissinger proceeded to read aloud from an itemized list. “Double it,” Nixon ordered. “Now get the hell out of here and get the job done.” Later, informed of yet another delay — this one because of disagreements in the Pentagon over the type of planes to be used for the airlift — an incensed Nixon shouted at Kissinger, “[Expletive] it, use every one we have.  Tell them to send everything that can fly.”

Nixon acted despite threats of reprisal by Arab oil producers — indeed, the day after Nixon asked Congress for an emergency appropriation of $2.2 billion for Israel, Saudi Arabia’s King Faisal announced an embargo of oil to the U.S. — not to mention Europe’s overwhelming opposition to aiding Israel.

Some revisionists have taken to claiming Nixon’s actions on behalf of Israel were prompted by Golda Meir, who supposedly threatened to go public with all manner of juicy political and personal information she had on the president.  Another commonly cited blackmail scenario, popularized by the play Golda’s Balcony, has Meir putting the squeeze on Nixon by threatening to use nuclear weapons.

But Mordechai Gazit, who at the time of the Yom Kippur War was director general of the Israeli Foreign Ministry and the Prime Minister’s Office, told authors Gerald Strober and Deborah Hart Strober in Nixon: An Oral History of His Presidency: “The airlift was decided not because we asked for it.  Our relations with the United States were not at a point where we could have asked for an airlift; this was beyond our imagination.”

As for Meir herself, to the end of her life she referred to Nixon as “my president” and told a group of Jewish leaders in Washington shortly after the war: “For generations to come, all will be told of the miracle of the immense planes from the United States bringing in the materiel that meant life to our people.”

Wrote Nixon biographer Stephen E. Ambrose: Those were momentous events in world history. Had Nixon not acted so decisively, who can say what would have happened?  The Arabs probably would have recovered at least some of the territory they had lost in 1967, perhaps all of it.  They might have even destroyed Israel.  But whatever the might-have-been, there is no doubt that Nixon made it possible for Israel to win, at some risk to his own reputation and at great risk to the American economy. He knew that his enemies would never give him credit for saving Israel. He did it anyway.

How times have changed.

I believe we are a critical point in world history. Clearly we have an administration that is anti-Israel and pro-Islam. America is crumbling economically, with the aid of the enemy within. Islam has been on the march in Europe for decades in a stealth jihad of migration, and this administraoin just allowed for a huge migration of palestinians ino the US. Islam is pushing its agenda for Sharia Law all over Europe and eveninot the US. Several countries have already allowed it to creep in, specifically Holland and the UK. The UN is decidedly anti-American, Anti-Israel and anti-Western Civilization. The only country actively fighting this evil menace is Israel, and even they have to combat the left in their own country and government.

Americans – be forewarned and forearmed with information, courage and whatever else it will take to defeat this enemy. We will get no help from this administration. ……..and get ready to be active in 2010.

October 25, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Will “Dear Leader” force the US to submit to the UN

I have just finished reading Dick Morris’s book “Catastrophe” and am in the midst of reading Michelle Malkin’s “Culture Of Corruption”. I recommend both enthusiastically. They both reveal considerable proof of what is going on in the halls of power in our nation’s capital. It is very clear that what is happening in Washington DC is what has happened in many third world countries when a new, supposed revolutionary group takes power. The new group begins to loot the treasury of the country as quickly as possible.

With the Chicago political Mafiosi in power, the corruption that is well known in Al Capone’s old stomping grounds is now running rampant through the constitution and the treasury. Your blood will boil at the revelations in these books. The incredibly widespread corruption, cronyism and outright – in your face – deception, is only exceeded by their manipulations on the world stage to bring the US to its knees and make it subservient to the UN. And they are getting away with it because the US citizenry is asleep at the wheel.

They are using every liberal tool in their arsenal to bankrupt the US and subjugate its citizenry. But the main tool they are using to subvert the constitution and force submission to the UN is “Climate Change”. Please clink on the link below to see what Lord Muncton of the UK says on this subject in a speech at Bethel University in St. Paul, MN.

Then pray for us all, and prepare to fight them at the ballot box in 2010 if it is not too late.

October 20, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment


This is a reprint from, the great Pamela Gellar’s blog.

The U. S. Geological Service issued a report in April (’08) that only scientists and oil men knew was coming, but man was it big. It was a revised report (hadn’t been updated since ’95) on how much oil was in this area of the western 2/3 of North Dakota ; western South Dakota ; and extreme eastern Montana ….. check THIS out:

The Bakken is the largest domestic oil discovery since Alaska ‘s Prudhoe Bay , and has the potential to eliminate all American dependence on foreign oil. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates it at 503 billion barrels. Even if just 10% of the oil is recoverable… at $107 a barrel, we’re looking at a resource base worth more than $5.3 trillion.

‘When I first briefed legislators on this, you could practically see their jaws hit the floor. They had no idea..’ says Terry Johnson, the Montana Legislature’s financial analyst.

‘This sizable find is now the highest-producing onshore oil field found in the past 56 years’ reports, The Pittsburgh Post Gazette. It’s a formation known as the Williston Basin , but is more commonly referred to as the ‘Bakken.’ And it stretches from Northern Montana, through North Dakota and into Canada . For years, U. S. oil exploration has been considered a dead end. Even the ‘Big Oil’ companies gave up searching for major oil wells decades ago. However, a recent technological breakthrough has opened up the Bakken’s massive reserves…. and we now have access of up to 500 billion barrels. And because this is light, sweet oil, those billions of barrels will cost Americans just $16 PER BARREL! That’s enough crude to fully fuel the American economy for 2041 years straight. 2. And if THAT didn’t throw you on the floor, then this next one should – because it’s from TWO YEARS AGO!

U. S. Oil Discovery- Largest Reserve in the World! Stansberry Report Online – 4/20/2006

Hidden 1,000 feet beneath the surface of the Rocky Mountains lies the largest untapped oil reserve in the world. It is more than 2 TRILLION barrels. On August 8, 2005 President Bush mandated its extraction. In three and a half years of high oil prices none has been extracted. With this motherload of oil why are we still fighting over off-shore drilling?

They reported this stunning news: We have more oil inside our borders, than all the other proven reserves on earth. Here are the official estimates:

– 8-times as much oil as Saudi Arabia
– 18-times as much oil as Iraq
– 21-times as much oil as Kuwait
– 22-times as much oil as Iran
– 500-times as much oil as Yemen
– and it’s all right here in the Western United States .

 HOW can this BE? HOW can we NOT BE extracting this? Because the environmentalists and others have blocked all efforts to help America become independent of foreign oil! Again, we are letting a small group of people dictate our lives and our economy…..WHY?

James Bartis, lead researcher with the study says we’ve got more oil in this very compact area than the entire Middle East -more than 2 TRILLION barrels untapped. That’s more than all the proven oil reserves of crude oil in the world today, reports The Denver Post.


For decades, Democrats have blocked efforts to responsibly develop this nation’s energy resources, transforming vast areas of opportunity into “The No Zone.”

Democrats have blocked the development of new sources of petroleum.
Democrats have blocked drilling in ANWR.
Democrats have blocked drilling off the coast of Florida.
Democrats have blocked drilling off of the east coast.
Democrats have blocked drilling off of the west coast.
Democrats have blocked drilling off the Alaskan coast.
Democrats have blocked building oil refineries.
Democrats have blocked clean nuclear energy production.
Democrats have blocked clean coal production.

             But they’re funding projects in Brazil. The Wall Street Journal:

The U.S. is going to lend billions of dollars to Brazil’s state-owned oil company, Petrobras, to finance exploration of the huge offshore discovery in Brazil’s Tupi oil field in the Santos Basin near Rio de Janeiro. Brazil’s planning minister confirmed that White House National Security Adviser James Jones met this month with Brazilian officials to talk about the loan.

The U.S. Export-Import Bank tells us it has issued a “preliminary commitment” letter to Petrobras in the amount of $2 billion and has discussed with Brazil the possibility of increasing that amount. Ex-Im Bank says it has not decided whether the money will come in the form of a direct loan or loan guarantees. Either way, this corporate foreign aid may strike some readers as odd, given that the U.S. Treasury seems desperate for cash and Petrobras is one of the largest corporations in the Americas.

Chevron U.S.A. Inc. announced that the Discoverer Clear Leader — an ultra-deepwater drillship — has begun work in the deepwater U.S. Gulf of Mexico, allowing Chevron to expand its search for new domestic sources of energy.
Chevron is forced to develop new technology to drill in the Gulf’s deepwater since most of the US is off limits to oil companies — thanks to Democrats.
(There’s video at the link.)

Barack Obama’s pal George Soros, “The Black Hand,” is heavily vested in PBR, Brazilian Petroleum, which Obama loaned money to through the US Import/Export bank – drill offshore oil and development. Which they wouldn’t do here in Alaska or Utah.

George Soros top five holdings:

1.Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.Petrobras (PBR) – 9,818,323 shares, 15.42% of the total portfolio
2.Hess Corp. (HES) – 5,123,198 shares, 10.56% of the total portfolio
3.Petrolo Brasileiro S.A.Petrobras (PBR-A) – 5,884,700 shares, 7.53% of the total portfolio
4.Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan Inc. (POT) – 1,978,053 shares, 7.06% of the total portfolio
5.Plains Exploration & Production Company (PXP) – 6,526,400 shares, 6.84% of the total portfolio

The  absolute corruption of the absolute power of the Soros-Obama connections.

October 13, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment


The Secretary of Education was on the Colbert Report last night stating that he and Obama want to instill more responsibility in the education system by parents, children, teachers and administrators.What a laugher, from the very people (liberals) who have spent the past 40 years, slowly and deliberately inflicting almost irreparable damage to an education system that was once the best in the world.

The worst offenses are the social engineering programs such as “Forced Busing” in the 70’s. This program took white children from their home neighborhoods, added hours to their school day (not to mention the pollution from bus engines), in order to deliver them to schools in primarily black neighborhoods. The program also called for transporting black children from their home neighborhoods to primarily white neighborhoods. This was all done to provide a better education for all. But the program was counter-intuitive to the American philosophy of keeping responsibility for one’s life as close to home as possible.  The American idea is that local responsibility is better. The further away from the problem the responsibility is, the worse the problem becomes.

Other social engineering programs include: The free breakfast and lunch programs which continues the teaching of dependency that so many at risk children already learn at home, in the welfare state; The substituting of reading, writing and arithmetic with courses such as “green” education, sex education, alternative lifestyles tolerance education; not to mention the plethora of fluffy courses that came into the University level in a tsunami of “openness” and political correctness in the 60’s and 70’s.

I remember when I was in middle school, I attended a Catholic grade school in Maryland. The nuns, who were the teachers and administrators back then, ran a tight ship to say the least. My 5th and 6th grade classes had 40 to 45 children in it and we all were encourage to excel. But the real heroes were nuns who taught the 1st and 2nd grade classes. My younger brother was in 1st grade at the time in a class of sixty – yes, 60. I went to my brother’s classroom one morning to deliver a message and remember being amazed at what I saw. There was a sea of 1st graders with the nun at the front. Every child was in their seat, quietly doing their work.

But today, after years of undermining parental authority, teaching “self-esteem” instead of academics (which simply produces self-confident dummies) and destroying class discipline, it is a wonder anything can be taught at all. In my later years, just out of college, I was taking some education courses and acting as a student teacher at Inglewood HS in the LA area. I walked into a Spanish class and found the class in chaos while the teacher was sitting on his desk reading a book. Later that day, I asked him about what I saw and his response was astonishing. He said that this was the norm. He was not allowed to discipline them into behaving so he had given up and was simply trying to survive the experience, collect his paycheck, and plan for a career change as soon as possible.

Incredibly, the fools who brought us to this point now want to “correct” the problem by forcing more of the same garbage on our children with longer school days and school years. This will allow for a more thorough indoctrination.

My prediction: Home-schooling will at first skyrocket and then be federally outlawed so that we will be forced to submit our children to politically correct indoctrination. George Orwell – where are you?

October 6, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

The Sun Says: Labour’s lost it

TWELVE years ago, Britain was crying out for change from a divided, exhausted Government. Today we are there again.

In 1997, “New” Labour, shorn of its destructive hard-Left doctrines and with an energetic and charismatic leader, seemed the answer. Tony Blair said things could only get better, and few doubted him. But did they get better? Well, you could point to investment in schools and shorter hospital waiting lists and say yes, some things did – a little.

But the real story of the Labour years is one of under-achievement, rank failure and a vast expansion of wasteful government interference in everyone’s lives.

Who do YOU want to lead the country?

Nobody can doubt the dedication of Gordon Brown – or the love and loyalty of his wife Sarah, who delivered a moving plea on his behalf yesterday.

But nor can they disguise the failures of Labour in Government over the last 12 years, many of them embarrassingly laid bare by the PM’s own words yesterday.

Britain feels broken . . . and the Government is out of excuses.

Blair took office with bulging coffers, an invincible majority and weak opposition, and he and Gordon Brown could have worked miracles.

But they FAILED on law and order, their mantra “tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime” becoming a national joke. Knife murders are soaring. Smirking criminals routinely walk free in the name of political correctness, while decent people live in a virtual police state of snooping cameras and petty officials empowered to spy and to punish.

Labour FAILED on schools. Yes, facilities improved – but four in 10 kids leave those shiny classrooms still unable to read, write or add up properly. We are plummeting down international league tables for maths and literacy, but every year “grade inflation” ensures record GCSE and A-level passes to fuel Government propaganda.

Labour FAILED on health – spending billions on clipboard-ticking target managers instead of on frontline care.

Labour FAILED on immigration, opening our borders without any regard to the consequences. Illegal migrants and bogus asylum seekers poured in.

Labour FAILED the children they claimed to have made their priority. After 12 years of Blair and Brown, Britain is officially the WORST country in the developed world in which to grow up.

Most disgracefully of all, Labour FAILED our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, leaving them to die through chronic under-funding and the shambolic leadership of dismal Defence Secretaries like Bob Ainsworth.

As our forces in two war zones suffered, the scale of Government waste at home was mind-boggling and tragic:

Billions blown employing a useless layer of public service middle-managers like those who condemned Baby P to die.

Billions more spent, insanely, making benefits more lucrative than a pay cheque – creating a huge, idle underclass for whom work is a dirty word. And all along the Government has had one overriding concern: Itself.

Blair and Brown’s puerile feud has long been a cancer at the heart of New Labour, their divisions often paralysing the country.

Labour’s driving ambition has not been to improve Britain. It has been to retain power at all costs – with no lie judged too great in its ruthless and relentless self-promotion.

They promised a referendum on Europe. They claimed they had ended “boom and bust”. They tried to con the public with promises of endless investment, when they knew they would have to cut.

At the 2005 election, we and our readers believed Labour had many failings but gave them one last chance over a lacklustre Tory party.

They have had that chance and failed.

That is a fact Gordon Brown cannot escape, for all his rhetoric yesterday – his rewriting of history, his absurd caricature of the “heartless” Tories, his tired promises to solve problems he has had 12 years to solve.

Britain needs a brave and wise Government to restore our self-respect, our natural entrepreneurship and the will of every family to improve its lot through its own efforts, without depending on handouts.

We need a Government that will cut the red tape strangling businesses, that will make affordable tax cuts to stimulate growth, that will reform wasteful public services.


We need a Government with a genuine will to win the war in Afghanistan and the commitment to give our forces whatever they need to do it.

This will not be a Government that merely talks the talk, as Labour has. It will ACT.

We hope, and pray, that the next Government will have the guts and the determination to do these things. And we believe David Cameron should lead it.

Between now and the election Cameron’s Conservatives must earn voters’ trust by setting out their promising policies in detail.

If elected, Cameron must use the same energy and determination with which he reinvigorated the Tory Party to breathe new life into Britain.

That means genuine, radical change to encourage self-improvers, not wasting time on internal party wrangling or pandering to the forces of political correctness. It also means an honesty and transparency of Government that we have not seen for years.

We are still a great people and, put to the test, will respond to the challenges we face.

The Sun believes – and prays – that the Conservative leadership can put the great back into Great Britain.

September 30, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment


Lt Colonel Allen West

About 62 years ago the world came together and established something that was very long overdue, the State of Israel. When one considers the travails of the Jewish people since the 7th century it should bring shame upon the face of the world. These persecutions began with their being forced out of the Saudi peninsula and the Levant by muhammad and his successors.

The horrors of the inquisition in Spain among other wrongs brought upon the Jews in early Europe followed. When we failed to learn from that lesson, the world would witness the supreme horror in Europe of the Holocaust. Finally, we learned the lesson. We made a commitment and established a Jewish homeland, fully recognized.

Now we face the resurrection of the original enemy of the Jewish people, a resurgent islamic fundamentalism evidencing itself in totalitarian, imperialist design. This time it has morphed itself using 21st century technologies still retaining a 7th century mentality, utilizing terrorism internationally to promote its perverse aims.

One of those objectives is the destruction of the State the world agreed to support in creating, Israel.

In keeping with previous traditions established by muhammad, the modern islamic warriors promote taquiyya, lying to promote islam. They also, just as muhammad, use the Treaty of Hudabiyya as a model to delay and deceive their enemies until they are ready to strike. Under Yasser Arafat some 200 agreements were never honored.

Why would we trust any word coming from the mouth of the psychopathic delusional leader of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? The mad mullahs, insane imams, and combative clerics are again calling for the supremacy of islam, no different from earlier centuries.

Israel faces groups such as Hamas which in its charter commits to the destruction of Israel. They face Iran who has committed to destroying the Jewish state and driving its people into the sea. When asked to depart from southern Lebanon, Israel complied, yet they now face Hezbollah in the north. In Egypt the muslim brotherhood is complicit in enabling Hamas to receive materiel support and funding through the series of tunnels.

And there are those who demand more land be ceded by Israel and settlements halted? The end result will be a Country with the width comparable to the distance of New York’s JFK to LaGuardia airports. Each time Israel has given back terrain it has become a launching point for terrorist attacks.

We are dealing with an enemy that has no regard, nor respect, for negotiations, compromises, and certainly not appeasement. Matter of fact it is deemed weakness and only encourages them moreso.

I do not support any creation of a Palestinian state, to do so would be to create a terrorist state. There is already a state for the Arabic people residing in the region called Palestine, Jordan. If the Arabs can build an indoor ski slope in Dubai, they can resolve the issue of their Arab brothers and sisters. Instead, they use them as pawns in an international game of extortion and use the subsidies provided not for humanitarian gain but for more weapons, for jihad.

I do not support any division of Jerusalem. If I recall from history and the Old Testament, David, Son of Israel built Jerusalem and his son Solomon made it great. The muslim claims to Jerusalem are based upon a very contentious story concocted by muhammad, and of course the latter conquering of the city even by Salahaddin. One flag will fly over Jerusalem, the Israeli flag, never any other, certainly not a UN flag.

Lastly, we must move away from the antiquated world government organization called the United Nations. We recently saw what type “leaders” are allowed a stage before this body politic. It is time we create a new organization which is based upon Nations with like political structures, Republics and Democracies. I advocate Israel being part of this structure, perhaps an expanded NATO, but something with teeth, and principled member Nations. We face a dangerous committed enemy, we are all targets, not just Israel.

And if we fail to believe that last sentence, ask those who lost loved ones on 9-11 in America, on 3-11 in Madrid, and in the London bombings. We just dodged a terrible blow here in America, again, while promoting “Islam on Capitol Hill”. Funny, the attendees blamed their fear of reprisals for not having more persons participate. This on the same day, 25 September 2009, that a Jordanian illegal immigrant was caught sitting in a “supposed” car bomb and dialing up the cell number to detonate in Dallas.

Genesis Chapter 16, verses 11-12 states, “And the Angel of the Lord said to her (Hagar): Behold you are with child, And you shall bear a son, You shall call his name Ishmael, Because the Lord has heard your affliction. He shall be a wild man; His hand shall be against everyman, and every man’s hand against him. And he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.”

Ishamel of course became the beginning of the Arab people….and God’s word is immutable truth.

In closing, there are battle lines clearly drawn, I know where I stand, and that is to support the State of Israel. The lessons of history have been learned by me and I offer one simple retort, “Not on my Watch”.

Steadfast and Loyal LTC(R) A B West

September 28, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

A Betrayal that Contributes to the deterioration in US Security

The Get-Cheney Squad
by  Patrick J. Buchanan

“Men sleep peacefully in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”

George Orwell’s truth comes to mind as one reads that Eric Holder has named a special prosecutor to go after the “rough men” who, to keep us sleeping peacefully at night, went too far in frightening Khalid Sheik Muhammad, the engineer of the September massacres.

Yet, it seems now indisputable that those CIA interrogators, with their rough methods, got vital intelligence that saved American lives, as Dick Cheney has consistently contended.

According to The Washington Times, which reviewed the newly declassified CIA documents, those interrogators “produced life-saving intelligence that disrupted numerous terrorist plots.”

They elicited the names of al-Qaida agents who planned anthrax attacks on Westerners and a massive bombing of Camp Lemonier, the U.S. base in East Africa. They got the names of 70 recruits al-Qaida deemed “suitable for Western attacks” and of the men who made the bomb used on the U.S. consulate in Karachi.

Iyman Faris, an al-Qaeda sleeper agent and truck driver in Ohio, is serving 20 years because of information the CIA got from KSM and associates. Other operations aborted include al-Qaida “plots to fly airliners into buildings on the West Coast, setting off bombs in U.S. cities and planning to employ a network of Pakistanis to target gas stations, railroad tracks and the Brooklyn Bridge.”

What were the “inhumane” techniques CIA interrogators used to uncover these plans for the mass murder of Americans?

“Interrogators lifted one detainee off the floor by his arms, while they were bound behind his back with a belt,” reports The Washington Post. “Another interrogator used a stiff brush to clean a detainee, scrubbing so roughly that his legs were raw with abrasions. Another squeezed a detainee’s neck at his carotid artery until he began to pass out.”

The CIA, we are told, used mock executions to frighten captives and threatened to kill KSM’s children and rape his mother. Power drills were brandished in interrogation rooms.

Were any children killed? No. Was anyone’s mother raped? No. Was the power drill used? No.

Was anyone executed in front of a witness to make him talk? No. It was faked, as Sean Connery faked it in “The Untouchables” to get an underling to blab to Eliot Ness, aka Kevin Costner, about how he could take down Al Capone’s mob.

As for threatening to kill the children of our enemies, we did not do that in “The Good War.” Instead, what we did was kill them in the thousands every night in air raids over Germany and Japan.

In the Tokyo firestorm of February 1945, the Dresden raid in March, and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August, we killed grandparents, mothers, fathers, wives, sisters, daughters and sons of the enemy in the scores of thousands on each of those days.

Can it be that the same United States that honored Col. Paul Tibbets and put his Enola Gay, which dropped the bomb on Hiroshima, on display in its Air and Space Museum is going to prosecute a CIA agent for faking an execution and threatening, but never intending, to kill the children of Khalid Sheik Muhammad?

Why is Barack Obama allowing these prosecutions to proceed?

In 2004, career lawyers at Justice looked over the same reports and concluded that prosecutions would not serve the national interest. Obama has himself said he wants to move on.

Now, he and Holder may not like what was done back then, but who does? And where is the criminal intent? These agents are not sadists. They were trying to get intel to abort plots and apprehend terrorists to prevent them from killing us. And they succeeded. Not a single terrorist attack on the United States in eight years.

Do we the people, some of whom may be alive because of what those CIA men did, want them disgraced, prosecuted and punished for not going strictly by the book in protecting us from terrorists?

In its lead editorial Tuesday, “Following the Torture Trail,” The Washington Post declaims, “The real culprits in this sordid story are the higher-ups, starting with former President George W. Bush and former Vice President Richard Cheney who led America down the degraded path of state-sponsored torture.”

But why is Obama yielding to the clamor of a left that will not be satiated until Cheney and Bush are indicted as Class A war criminals? Is that in the national interest? Is it in Obama’s interest to tear his country apart to expose and punish these CIA agents?

In the 1960s, Robert Kennedy and the boys at Justice set up a “Get Hoffa Squad” to take down Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa. It was a vendetta that succeeded.

This vendetta will not. For, on the issue of national security, as Barack will painfully discover, he is not more trusted than Dick Cheney or the rough men at the CIA who did the harsh interrogations of terrorists, to keep us sleeping peacefully at night.

August 29, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment