Freedom Fighter

Look Evil In The Eye And Stand Against it

Leftists, Islamists and the Tiger in the Box

The current Leftist-Islamist coalition wrecking much of the first world with its combination of inside-outside warfare in America, Europe, Israel, Australia and across the world seems paradoxical in nature, but has both its origins and precedents.
The irrationality of the Leftist-Islamist alignment is the seeming ideological contrasts between the two. Islamists, after all, would behead or forbid most of the left’s agenda. There is little room in the heart of the average Imam or Mullah for Feminism, Homosexuality, Atheism, or the whole multicultural progressive rainbow. By contrast, there is seemingly little room in the progressive agency for Theocracy, Gender Segregation or the rest of the Islamist Smorgasbord.
But what allows this Gruesome Twosome to overcome their differences is that both see a common enemy in Western Civilization. The presence of a common enemy allows the “The Enemy of my Enemy” doctrine to kick in, which is what has made many of the unlikely and self-destructive ideological relationships in history kick off. Accordingly, the left has embraced Islamists as “protected minorities,” more “brown people” being persecuted by the “Patriarchal Military Industrial Complex” that bedevils their nightmares. And the Islamists have learned to talk like progressives, turning out Koranic edicts about beheading your wife that sound like liberal platforms.
Read the whole story at:

April 12, 2009 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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